Friday, April 19, 2013


I just signed up for this. Not sure whether timing will work out, but I have been eying up this for a while and decided it looked fun and not too thinky. I have a couple of  projects in mind and will use this as a kick starter and encourager. I have really appreciate the power of group after participating in 6 Degrees of Creativity with Gretchen Miller and am keen to check this out. I was fortunate to sign up a few weeks ago when it was even cheaper.
If you're interested check it out - maybe you've always wanted to give paint a go but didn't know where to start.


6 weeks of Daring Adventures in Paint, Play & Inspiration:

Starting April 29th - June 2nd

Dazzling 1/2 off Deal is $149!

ends April 18th

(Regular price will be $299) 

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Life is either a daring adventure or nothing — Helen Keller

This 6 week ecourse is not just about painting, it's about being daring in art & life! What you do on the canvas mirrors the bold steps you take in your life! This course is for anyone who wants to strengthen their creative muscles, be inspired on a daily basis, and step into their own brilliance and find their magic. handmade and vintage goods
photo credit leslie sophia lindell
Simply click on the "Add to Cart" link and you will be directed to Paypal to complete your purchase. Then within a few minutes you should receive an email with the login information to be used on the first day of class — April 29th!

Dazzling 1/2 off Deal is $149!

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Daring Adventures In Paint & Life will be conducted in a safe, private, password protected online environment. Each of the 6 weeks, we’ll focus on a different chapter and themes of Daring Adventures In Paint:
Week One: Finding Inspiration — Creating a Lush Painted Background
Week Two: Trusting Your Path — Creating a Patchwork Collage
Week Three: Showing The World Your Magic — Silver-Leaving Exercise + Doily Stencils
Week Four: Following Your Compass — Transferring Your Sketches to Paint
Week Five: Telling Your Story — Dropping Into Your Own Narrative
Week Six: Finding Your Voice & Flow — Tying it All Together
The course will have lots of fun tips & tricks each week, including:
VIDEO Demos & Material Exploration, Treasure Hunts, Creative Missions, Exclusive Weekly Interviews with Amazing Artists and will be full of Color and daily inspiration. 


Each weekday of the 6 weeks you will receive a new post! Participants will have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions each week on the topic area. We will also have an optional Facebook group for more discussion and sharing. Participants are also encouraged to post images of their painting progress in our safe, private Flickr group and are encouraged to leave questions and feedback for their classmates. 

1 comment:

Hi I love to receive comments and will endevour to reply either on this page or your blog.Kat