We have decided - well Gary has decided ( as it is his choice) to stay home.
I am feeling a bit calmer today after some sleep. I packed up most of our stuff from the Hospice yesterday, grabbed the dog and spent the afternoon unpacking. Still not finished sorting but getting there and after having slept for the first time since being home (both of us). I feel a new person.
We have no idea how long this oasis will last and are mindfully living each day. Gary is mindfully watching sports TV and eating chocolate and I am mindfully gardening, housecleaning and cooking. Actually in the last few days that is not quite the truth as my mind has been frantic. Not really with too many thoughts of future or past but with what I needed to do. I am starting to chill again and intend making some Art this afternoon. It will put me back in the Zone .
Grateful grateful for more unexpected time. And spectacular weather.Everyone keeps talking about the amazing summer, but it has passed us by and I havnt been in it at all.
We are at home with an O2 concentrator and spare bottles for car trips, but other than meds (which are now simpler than before) its not too complicated. The one thing I shall have to start doing is asking for help when I need it. Gary is great at asking for help but not me.I tend to be a Donkey and just do it. But the expression it takes a Village passed by me three time yesterday and that is a sure sign for me to listen.
It is always hard to know when it is time to ask though. Often when I need it it is an awkward time and the moment passes quickly. But I shall pay attention.